"I felt nourished by the presence you offered, and totally inspired in my quest for working towards living on a more loving planet. I learned a lot from you that I will take with me. The easiest way to express it is: it's so nice to meet fellow love revolutionaries. I'm not very good at putting feelings into words, but I want you to know that being with you had an impact on me that I am very grateful for. Gracias." Marta, NFNC 17
"The depth of the sharing, the rawness, remains in my body. I’m in awe of the art of creating an amniotic murmuration of group awareness, one which can hold and evoke expression of the purest of organismic striving, of child-like fullness, of the most expansive and leaderless self. It was so monumentally humbling to really experience these versions of people. It made me feel so miniscule in the most beautiful way, a searing sun in a sea of searing suns." Much love. Bilal, London 2017
"It was such a treat to be able to benefit from your offerings at Summer Camp West this year! Thank you especially for your skilled forum facilitation. The feeling of transformation and deep healing I felt from your facilitation was palpable and profound to experience. It was also an apparent contrast to how I feel after many other forums."
Summer, USA, 2017
Mark Taplin, Kalikalos 2016
We would like to thank you once more for the amazing time Kasia and I had at the Deepening Love workshop last month. It was an eye-opening and very inspiring experience to be at ZEGG, be part of the workshop and meet the two of you. We can already see how this positively changed the dynamics in our relationship, Thank you!
Maciej and Kasia, Deepening Community, ZEGG 2016
Weekend one reflections:
Oh my goodness. Every traumatic thought, feeling, and moment in life came up in this forum! I had Niagara Falls coming out of my eye balls. So powerful. I got to work through mother stuff, sister stuff, career stuff, desire to write a book, desire to facilitate forum and so much more. Squeeeeee, the endless possibilities of learning!
Weekend two reflections:
Because of my involvement in helping organize forum in NYC and attending weekend one, I had built innate trust and love with the group. I noticed that others seemed to experience some friction with the group and in retrospect have learned a lot from this. I feel a sense of responsibility and simultaneous letting go as part of the organizing team that perhaps there was something I could have done to better streamline communications? What a learning opportunity! and C'est la vie! - "Deepening Love - Deepening Community" ZEGG-Forum US Tour 2015, Ria
"Ina and Achim are an intuitively intelligent duo, perfectly matched for facilitating the ZEGG Forum experience. They create an environment in which I feel open to being seen and heard, and hold the space as I become more able to see and hear others. I've been to ZEGG summercamp twice and participated in dozens of Forums and Forum Trainings. They've given me many rich moments of deepening my experience of community and my ability to love and accept my fellow humans."
Leslie, Ganas Community 2015

Ina and Achim are “hands down” the best group process (ZEGG Forum) facilitators I have ever seen or even heard of. There are simply the “best in the world.” If you want to witness Masters at work, watch as they penetrate through the layers of ego/persona of individual participants and into depths of “who we really are” as loving erotic beings. They are Pioneers of Peace and Partnership, living in a Peace Building Community (The ZEGG community in Germany), giving us all hope for “Peace on Earth”. Their level of maturity and consciousness around Love, Eros, true peace activism and community is the highest I have seen.
I am forever grateful to Ina and Achim for lovingly confronting me and challenging me to look through my own phony personality armor into my authentic self.
~ Kelly Bryson MA, MFT, Certified NVC trainer, author of “Don’t be Nice, be Real." 2014
<www.LanguageOfCompassion.com>„I am grateful, Ina, to you + Achim, for your care + your compassion in guiding our group in a wonderful community workshop on the Zegg forum. There was authenticity, connection, integrity, sharing + deep healing. Thank you! Xx“
Mark New, "Deepening Community" UK, 2011
De cuando se juntan un grupo de personas en unos metros cuadrados en un espacio propicio y natural que facilita sentir lo vivo adentro y afuera, afuera y adentro, afuera y aden...
No sé, cuando me hago permeable, cuando abro, cuando dejo de sentirme atacada, juzgada y dejo de atacar, de juzgar, cuando ese árbol y yo somos la misma cosa...el afuera y el adentro se funden, se confunden.
Ser testiga y hacedora de una experiencia maravillosa, dolorosa, fuerte, rabiosa, esperanzadora, mágica, colectiva. Hacer posible unos días lo que a ratos soñamos, sin complicaciones, sin requisitos, (estamos aqui sólo para eso) sin otra responsabilidad que no sea crear confianza.
El desnudo integral, íntegro, completo, ahí en el medio, sóla, vulnerable, preciosa, rodeada de desconocidas que dejan de serlo. Y reconozco tu dolor en el mío, tu deseo se multiplica, se contagia y se libera haciendose grande al exponerlo. La rabia, rabia, rabia a la que Silvio cantaba. Las ganas locas de...las fronteras, los límites, lo no dicho, lo no llorado, lo no reído, lo no compartido. Todo en el centro expandiendose, recogido, escuchado, revivido, devuelto con ternura, con firmeza, con amor.
Adentro y afuera. Soy una membrana permeable de un tejido sólido y elástico por el que penetra y se funden el aire, tu voz, las risas, los cantos, los ladridos de los perros, tu llanto, vuestros olores...y me atraviesan correteando por los espacios secretos de este cuerpo que soy y que se hace a cada momento. Y un cachito de ti entra en mi, y el yo y el tú es nosotras, un poquito más cerca, las diferencias cada vez más chiquitas, lo justo para distinguirnos, para recordarnos que somos irrepetibles, para celebrar que llegamos hasta aquí.
Eskerrik asko denoei - muchas grasias a toas
Itsaso; "Presencia y Esencia" Girona, Espana 2013
"Over the years i have been on many courses, never before have i experienced the depth of connection with, and acceptance from, every participant as i did from everyone attending during this last weekend.
Ina and Achim created a sacred safe space for us all to express, explore and experiment with this deep connection. Being seen and seeing others with such transparency and warmth, was not only a privilege and a wonderful experience, it has had lasting effects, made me feel even more connected to my partner, family and my local community. It was a powerful healing journey where every single participant made a significant and valuable contribution to my personal growth. I feel hugely grateful for all their gifts and admire their courage.
Any words i could write feel inadequate to describe the enrichment i feel following the course, I hope others will be inspired and guided to learn more, I feel we need this kind of approach to help us with the challenges we face at this time.
Thank you. With Love and Respect"
Ara*, "Deepening Community", UK 2011
Greatly appreciated the skillful and sensitive facilitation in particular the choice of games, and techniques used in building up the group’s trust. Plus being willing to change plans in accordance with group's needs. Experienced facilitators as open, not defensive, generous, present and authentic.
Linda King, "Deepening Community", UK 2011
The skills, the deep conceptual, empirical, emotional-cognitive (I may dare to say holistic or even spiritual) "knowledge" required to facilitate Forum are not easy to come by. It serves community building and both personal and inter-personal transformation. It requires love, dedication, research, permanence and ongoing inner work.
I have participated with Ina and Achim in a few "Forum's", I find their presence, their guidance profoundly helpful, in-tune, compassionate, resourceful and effective. I also love these two dedicated spiritual sister-souls of mine in part because of their devotion to this way of creating new hope, new spaces for people to exist, to love and to thrive and their competence at it.
Jorge Caneda, co-founder of the Ganas Community in New York (www.ganas.org)
Hola Ina y Achim
I want to tell you how grateful I was and am for creating once more such an amazing space for people to connect and for me to open more different energies. I want to make sure that you know that you are in my heart . Thanks for giving me the opportunity to discover more wisdom about my sexuality. Patricio and I had some deep experiences at Summercamp. Thanks to ZEGG and thanks to you both.
Love Ana, Ganas Community 2011
See what Kamala Devi (San Diego, CA) wrote in her blog:
It was so wonderful to experience Forum with you and the people from Ganas and elsewhere.
As I traveled home I found myself much more open and able to adapt to energy that I met in a more compassionate way . I felt myself filled more with understanding/curiosity and love rather than judgment and annoyance. Forum really is a way to get a lot more juice out of life and to be a better participant in it!
Thank you so much for what you bring to the world. I am excited that I have walked in on this big gift and have the courage to keep going!
Love - Suchi, Susan Lathrop; 3/2010, Earthhaven Ecovillage, USA
Well I am very happy about the Forum. You both are very sensible, intelligent and mysterious.
Very few people know about the art of communication. You don't just only know, but you know how to make people communicate. An incredible power. Besides that, you have the hunger to create a better world, to care of the planet and the people. You are a powerful gate for the people. I learned a lot and I wish to be with you again. You are special. Well it was a light being with you for a few days. I wish I could stay more with you to learn this incredible knowledge and mystery to deal with human beings. Thanks for the care. Love&Light
Marcos Pintobo, Brazil, Bio-Architect, 2009

El taller de NVC con Marshall y el FORUM han sido las dos experiencias más significativas para mi en los últimos años. Y ambas proponen la misma cosa: TRANSPARENCIA, AUTENTICIDAD, EXPRESIÓN EMOCIONAL. Este taller con vosotros ha sido la confirmación de lo que sentí con el NVC:
No puedo imaginar otra forma mejor de contribuir al mundo que poner toda mi energía al servicio de esto, para difundirlo y que crezca."
Alicia Mullor Sanjuán, Barcelona, taller "Presencia y Esencia", 2011
"I felt really affirmed in who i am in the group, and the experience has given me courage to be more fully myself in my life. I feel that being present with such an amazing group of committed and experienced people has really grounded my own journey and given me hope. It is reassuring to know that others who were there on the weekend are continuing that journey too.
I felt that the space you held was beautiful- i felt safe enough to really open myself up. I suppose i am just hungry for more time in a group that values authentic connection and i am aware that you both have a lot of commitments. Please come back and do more!
Zac, "Deepening Community", UK 2011
Algo se movió en mis hijos despues del Forum... y estan mas dialogantes, o tal vez yo mas comprensiva, no se, el caso es que algo ha mejorado en mi relacion con ellos, no es tan densa como era, es mas natural, espontanea, y mucho se que es gracias a haber aprendido a comunicarme con ellos de forma diferente a como lo hacia. Un gran abrazo
Maika, "Presencia y Esencia" Espana, Girona 2013
I am deeply touched. I will from now on, send positive vibrations and love to you two anytime I can. I am impressed how strange people can have such intimacy with one another. I have so many friends, but I am close and lonely. And during the workshop I had no friends at all, but I was really open. In Portuguese I can't find words to describe what I am feeling right now, but I am sure that is something positive. I have got this feeling or sensation that I have to give you something back.
Obrigado, Felipe, Brazil, 2009
Your presence together, and you solidness as individuals gave our community a North Star of possibility and keeps reverberating at conscious and subconscious levels of our group collective consciousness. I get the image of you two as a huge strong peace pole planted deep deep in the solid earth. And we, our community, come at you with all our fears, and projections and hurts from the past and throw them at you, but because of your depth of embeddedness in the earth and Life, the energy is channeled safely into a connection to Mother Earth. I also deeply love and appreciate Ina/s oh so natural way you talked about ‘free love", like it was the most natural thing on earth. And Achim I was so inspired and awakened by your wisdom of how "Triggers are windows of opportunity for growth, self knowledge, expanded consciousness and healing." You both have been powerful catalysts for quickening our growth as a community and individually.
There were times when I felt so deeply seen by the both of you and celebrated for the all of me. I could tell you could see my fears and shames and constrictions as well as my beauty, love, power and playfulness. Sensing you could see and hold all of me, I felt a sort of wholeness and acceptance that nourishes my soul on a deep level. I thank you from my heart and soul.
Kelly Bryson, Santa Cruz, California, 2009
My deepest gratitude to all of you that put so much effort into making the retreat a reality. I truly feel blessed to have shared so many wonderful and magical experiences that have opened my heart and given me a yummy taste into a more expanded and rewarding way to approach life. I intend to keep moving forward in my explorations of freedom-based living and sincerely hope that I can be an asset to community building that supports this way of life.
Also my deepest appreciation and gratitude to Ina and Achim for sharing with us their presence, consciousness and life passion, and for introducing to us newbies, the Forum Process. I can truly see that the forum not only brings us into deeper understanding of ourselves and our connection to source, but also has the potential to resolve conflict and enhance connection at a deep heart level for those that are participating. I want more more more!!!!
Many blessings, Steffan Heydon, California, 2009
"I really enjoyed it! ?I think you both were very good facilitators. I enjoyed your blend of teaching, support, and encouraging people to stretch into their ?expanded selves. I am very excited about using Forum more at Earthaven. I think it can really help us a lot. I cannot think of anything different you could have done to improve the workshop."
Steve Torma, Earthhaven Ecovillage, North Carolina, USA, 2009
Your modeling of feeeeling into a person's experience and suggesting to them the micro step they themselves might take to better feel into their own experience. Gently guiding their attention in a way that serves their own healing and awakening.
I'm guessing your experience is rich, and appreciate your humility in celebrating the uniqueness in each one of the participants.
An insight you mentioned: that some 'theatrical' or exagerated behaviors can sometimes be a distraction from going to a deeper place. Hence, your more gentle methods. I'm grateful for the quality of participants, and their heartful intentions to do the deep work. Appreciating how your various presentations fit together to support an evolving intention and awareness.
One Love, kule; NY, Feb 2010
Thanks a lot for everything you teached and shared. For me it was really nice and very important to confirm some of the things we’ve been experiencing in the last few years, and most of all it gave me hope. Hope to find more peace in relationships, friendships and all kinds of human relations.
I don’t have much to say but the same sentence: it gave me countless tools and lots of hope. Profound hope to find more peace in relationships, friendships and all kinds of human relations.
Nena, Brazil, 2009
"I am writing just to say hi. I think of you both often and feel so grateful for who you are. Your humility, presence, ease, love, joy, playfulness, beauty, wisdom, etc, etc moved and inspired me SO much! Thank you. "
Collette, Santa Cruz, California, 2009
You watered us people; I watered the plants!
Before Forum happened, I heard an interview with Rupaul, a well known drag queen in the US. He was interviewed on WNYC public radio:
“We're all born naked. We're all in drag. We all play roles... The world is divided into two types pf people: the people who understand that this is an illusion and we are mere actors on the stage, and the people who actually believe they are the roles they are playing.”
To me, Forum helps loosen the ties to my roles, to the belief that I must suffer in roles, that I am perpetually stuck … little by little.
Much love, Peggy Wonder, Ganas Community, Staten Island, USA, 3/2010
How the Forum changed my life
I came to the Forum Training with high expectations of integrating our potential into our community through love and communication in a very specific way - my prayers have been answered.
Both Ina and Achim are my super heroes and my friends, my mentors and classmates - part of my family. They achieved all those titles through hard work of dedication and passion in all the fires that we have been sitting together for three sessions from February to October.
I can't thank them enough. Through them I learnt humility, deep listening, compassion, energy work and energy management to mention only a few of the tools I enriched my box with.
Aviva, Participant of the US Training 2010, Ganas Community, Staten Island